Monday, July 13, 2015

The Secrets of Cats tARE, c6 environments in Rome 1

A street view from above between two insulas. There's a cut-out here to show the street below but between the houses, resting on the arches over the street, are a street roof very similar to the one playing an important role in the story so far.

A street view from a human perspective. You can see a dog but all cats are busy either resting from saving the world or actually saving the world (or at least the pity humans).

A street view from a slightly wider street. The kind humans have placed stones across the streets here and there so that cats can make short effortless jumps to get over the streets on rainy days without having to wade in unpleasant water.

Cut-through off a maze-like insula with only a very small inner court.

Another insula

A smaller house like Grå's and Gast's burdens (lesser senators) and a larger one (but not the biggest kind).
A = Atrium (small inner court with artificial pond in the middle. Main rooms are around this area.
C = Cubiculum (sleeping room or similar)
H = Hortus (small walled garden at the back of the house)
P = Peristyl (pillar garden)
T = Tablinum (The Master of the House's study and workroom)
X = Ala (wing, small side-part of the house)

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