Monday, September 11, 2017

Eagle Eyes c10, non-player characters

Non-player characters (updated)

This list isn't complete and may at the same time show information still not revealed in earlier blog posts since I'm a little behind on the game meeting blogging. It's a start of lists the player characters has shown interest for and some information about those non-player characters.

Some interesting points in time for the player characters (years before the now in the roleplaying campaign):

  • -12 The Caecilii family country estate is burnt to the ground and everyone is killed. Hostus Caecilii och Paulla Nynnia survives by being in Rome at that time. When the money they brought to Rome run out they resort to petty crimes, street performances and scams to make a living and stay out of sight of the ones that might wanna kill off them as well.
  • -11 People from a nearby latifundia takes over the empty Caecilii land and starts to use as part of the latifundia land.
  • -5 Claudius Piso is thrown out of the collegium and stripped of his place as a barber and suddenly standing on the street without an income or anywhere to practise his profession.
  • -3 Claudius, Paulla and Hostus meet in the streets of Rome and with their common background of unfair events team up to help each other out.
  • -2 An official claim of the Caecilii land is made by the latifundia owner according to Roman tenure legislation.
  • 0 Paulla, Hostus and Claudius is approached by a fellow scammer and criminal who introduses them to people which leads to an offer to join The Eagle. All three joins. Claudius wants his collegium membership and honor back plus somewhere to practise his profession. Paulla and Hostus wants the Caecilii land back for Hostus so that they could stop living in secrecy and start over again. Paulla also has a grandmother who was wrongfully accused of practising the wrong sorts of magic  and exiled (denied fire and water within 600 km of Rome.
  • 0 The group has success with their test mission for The Eagle and is taken up into The Eagle and four days later get t heir first real missions for The Eagle.  

Aelia Falernus Censa

  • Patrician
  • Nobilies
  • Optimates (the aristocratic aristocratic fraction in the senate)
  • Senatrix (female member of the senate)
  • Claims to have seen a wolf cross Forum romanum, an omen that if true would cancel the next senate meeting (where will be discussed what to do with Gaius Julius who doesn't seem to be willing to lay down his imperium as suppossed).
  • Technology geek
  • Graecophile
  • Under secret investigation by The Eagle, the chosen eyes for this is the player characters.
  • Seen at Forum romanum around the time of the wolf crossing the forum

Lucia Maemilius

  • Plebeian
  • People's tribune
  • Technology geek
  • Graecophile
  • Seen at Forum romanum around the time of the wolf crossing the forum


  • Nobiles
  • Associated with senatrix Falernus
  • Senator (male member of the senate)


  • Nobiles
  • Populares (the folksy aristocratic fraction in the senate)
  • Associated with senatrix Falernus
  • Senatrix (female member of the senate)


  • Nobiles
  • Equites
  • Have had an intense and maybe secret meeting with senatrix Falernus


  • Patrician
  • Nobiles
  • Senatrix (female member of the senate)



Gaius Julius Caesar

  • Nobiles
  • Populares (the folksy aristocratic fraction in the senate)
  • Senator
  • Former consul, -10 yrs
  • Former governor - Hither Gaul, -11 to -8 yrs
  • Former governor - Hither Gaul & Farther Gaul, -7 to -3 yrs
  • Friendly with Gnaeus Pompeius

Marcus Licinius Crassus

  • Nobiles
  • Senator
  • Former consul, -6 yrs
  • Famously rich
  • Died -4 yrs in battle

Gnaeus Pompeius 

  • Nobiles
  • Populares (the folksy aristocratic fraction in the senate)
  • Senator
  • Former consul, -3 yrs
  • Former consul, -6 yrs
  • Former consul, -21 yrs
  • Famously defeated the pirates, -18 to -16 yrs
  • Famously defeated a lot eastern peoples, -12 yrs
  • Friendly with Gaius Julius


  • Patrician, the upper part of the nobiles class of the society. These nobiles claim old and heritage to people in Rome's more or less old history.
  • Nobiles, a property based class, the highest in Rome
  • Optimates, a fraction among the senators and senatrix that care most for the senate and the upper levels of Romes citizens. They try to limit the influence of the different People's Assemblies and the ten People's Tribunes. They also frown upon Novus homo
  • Populares, a fraction ampng the senators and senatrix that care more for the people and balancing their power against the patrician and nobiles power. They often embrace Novus homo if they consider them being of good origin and of good character.
  • Novus homo, new person, a non-nobiles that for some reason has been taken up into the senatorial class. It could be e g properties or some flaw in rewards or awards that allows this to happen. 
  • Senator, a male member of The senate
  • Senatrix, a femal member of The senate
  • The senate, a governmental body consisting of nobiles
  • Graecophile, a person embracing Greek culture in a more open and less romanised way than many Romans.
  • The Eagle, a secret organisaiton consisting of three senators or senatrix (one for the people, one for nobiles and one for the spirit of Res publica) that guards the truth and and honesty among the people involved in governing Rome. They also keeps a balance of different movers and shakers in Rome's politics.
  • The Eagle's Eyes, the agents of The Eagle, e g the characters
  • Res publica, The Common, The shared wealth and interest of the Roman citizens, Public affairs, somewhat similar to The Roman State.
  • Consul, one of two implementors of SPQR:s decisions, elected every year
  • Imperator, someone with the right to lead troops and judge citizens (imperium), symbolised by accompanying lictors with fasces (axe and rods)
  • Governor, head of an area not being Rome, also holds imperium.

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